Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Insanity in Haiti

 I had the best morning alarm today! A couple of my friends from MacKenzie Place sang the memory care anthem, Crazy Girl! But, what made it even better was the guest back-up singer, Porky! It was so sweet and made me miss my family at MacKenzie Place. Ashleigh and I mosied to the food and we were delighted to see our man Alsindoor was back! He went to a cousin's wedding, a valid excuse (I guess). We took our rice and ran. We sat down in the dim kitchen light and started chowing down. I got a few fish bones stuck in my teeth but other than that it was delightful. However, Ashleigh did have to say, "I wish I had a doughnut." Great Ash, thanks make me drool and dream of dancing, homemade doughnuts freshly pulled out of the deep fryer and the glaze glistening in the kitchen light with Kayla, the baker, stuffing two in my hands. Oh the good ol' days of eating sweets for breakfast! We fed the kids and went to prayer and Ashleigh did a stand up job at being put on the spot to do the closing prayer. Bravo! We took our little ones to the activity and blocked off any exits possible. We tried to be entertaining and thought we were doing a good job seeing that our Houdini was sitting in his chair the whole time. We gave eachother a pat on our backs until we noticed someone had tied his shirt to the chair so he couldn't run away. Too bad for the self gratifying job of entertaining him. Being attached to a chair didn't stop his mobility, though. He still scooted around and played ball with Ashleigh. I had a stage 5 clinger on my hands. This little boy didn't let go of me for 3 hours. We did stair exercises, visited a piglet (Porky's daughter), and did a little jogging. He was latched on like a leech. I took it as a compliment. I was his safe haven. I wasn't complaining, but my back is complaining now. I need a personal masseuse! We finally untied Houdini and sure enough he escaped and so did another. Ashleigh chased them down while sarcastically saying, "Thanks for the assistance." and I responded with, "I'm sorry, I have someone attached to me right now." I was a rough end to a morning session. We cleaned up and headed to lunch. I mustered up the courage and asked Alsindoor to give us just one scoop of rice and one scoop of bean juice. He asked if I wanted a dumpling and I didn't quite understand what he was offering me through his thick accent, so he showed me a thick, long thing lingering in black bean juice. I then understood it was a dumpling and appreciated the offer saying, "That is a long dumpling," and Alsindoor said, "I know where your mind goes," in a joking manner. I enjoy how we are able to kid even with language barriers and the barriers might make everything even funnier. It rained a lot this afternoon so we played ball toss, something I am way too familiar from working at Mac Place. We fed the evening meal and decided that we need to get our fat butts up and move. So thank God I brought Insanity, the workout videos. We moved some bunk-beds over and popped in our personal trainer, Shaun T. Ashleigh prepared herself with some workout paraphernalia and I work-out Haiti style, wick-away Capris and sandels. We worked out all 43 minutes of the video and after we looked like we were playing in the Haitian rain. We stank up the room more than ever now. So I hopped in the shower. Hopping in the shower consists of pour water into the camp shower and squatting to receive any pressure. I did that and had my clothes ready to be cleaned too, when all of a sudden a clash happened. I live up to my nickname, calatimy Katie, even when I am in Haiti. I broke the camp shower. Thanks to me, we pour buckets of water on our heads to get clean. I "showered" and washed clothes! I got into a fight with the clothes hanger as I was trying to dry my clothes. I came out victorious and hung everything to be have a 2nd rinse., it rained tonight too. I got to get a time FaceTime with the wonderful boyfriend and the splendid Dad. Our internet connection is not top of the line in this 3rd world country, so it went in and out, but we will try and try again. 


  1. That pic of you and your "clinger" is precious! He knows what a wonderful person you are!

  2. Love the work out video!! Katie even there good to hear y still can find something to break!! Bet your still waiting for your trip to china:) haha! Remember don't say the d word Ash!! Keep up the good spirits and have another great day!

  3. Katie, you have a heart of gold. You are touching the world one soul at a time.....and doing it well. Sweet pictures.....
